"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." - Gloria Steinem "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - Hamlet, Act III, Scene II
Welcome Writers(This Means YOU!) My aim here is to provide a resource for any and all writers here for help, commiseration, carmaraderie, and recognition amidst the morass of self-published writing on the web. Too much writing is published on the web without criticism. This is why you will not find very much of my writing here, although I imagine I scribble about as much as most. Instead, I hope to provide links to resources on the web I've found most useful as well as some resources and contests I think you'll find nowhere else. Suggestions, ideas, comments, criticism and crackpots are always welcome to send me e-mail by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.
Class PROPOSAL: "No more teachers no more.." - A writing class without teachers.. interested? Click on this link. I still think this would be a great idea. We'd alll have to just go for it. The Obligatory Reading List: A literary playlist of sorts, find out what I've read, what I'm reading.. contribute your own books&lists The Soapbox: Read my column on writing - and tell me what you think. Want more? Write in. World's Smallest Writing Contest: CONTEST OVER. If you submitted in 1997 you may resubmit. The Rejection Letter Gallery: From the "misery loves company" files.. don't get mad, get writing My Resume is no longer online at this site. You may e-mail me to request a paper copy. Inevitable List of Links: Friends of this site and links to writing courses on-line |